Hudayya didnt joke 2016

I have watched her for a few years now and hudayya is the defenation of hard work. People say oh ai it because she is married to the Abachas thats why she is successful but ba haka bane. kinga ita Huda is a determined human being full of passion for what she does. Her passion oozes out when you talk with her.

hudayya fadul Abacha is a fashion designer based in abuja.
first she designed luxury Abayas and quickly moved to full blown couture sewing.
She puts quality first and you know it comes with a price!!!

Our northern star today goes to hudayya, for making us proud, for motivating us to do what we want to do, to the best of our ability despite obstacles.
Hudayya has 120,000 followers on instagram!!! there is no stopping her now!!!!!

some of hudayya's work coming right up!

Fulani saddika in hudayya

Hadiza Indimi in hudayya

Maryam Augie in Hudayya

May your star keep shining,

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