Today i got a really terrifying DM,
first i just got pictures of a battered girl with wounds around her neck. i gasped as i waited impatiently for the full story.
Hamida ,a beautiful young girl from kano got battered by her own cousin!
why? no reason
as he says she has grown wings and he had to put her in her place!
Hamida just finished Bayero university kano and is currently serving.
"It doesn't add up" i told her
what did you do to him.
walahi nothing.
Is he on drugs
No, they carried out drug test and the test came out clean!
Ok toh please walk me thru what really happened.

I was about to get married, my husband's family just brought lefe and it was merry merry.
They brought many boxes Alhamdullillah.
i was really happy.
I guess it didn't sit well with my relatives.
Any way a few days to my wedding fatiha, i was at home and i heard some one knocking.
I was the only adult in the house se wani brother na that is really young.
I stood up, peeped thru and saw my cousin (his mom and my mom are sisters, same mom same dad)
I opened the door and we exchanged pleasantries.
I left him in the palour and i went to the room.
I realized he was following me.
it wasn't weird at all as he has no boundaries in our house!!!
i laid on the bed and continued chatting with a friend.
i noticed he was a bit erratic,
Then he started opening the lefe boxes and throwing thing all over the place,
na ce lafiya? what are you looking for.
My shirt he answered!
your shirt? here? i asked now a bit worried
He now turned with so much fire in his eye and said "say one word again and see if i don't finish you"
finish me, are you well?
haba before i knew it, he pounced on me,
walahi NYSC se dai ki karasa a lahira.
Aure kuma ayi mugani
yau se na kashe ki!

After that i passed out
i now recall faintly my younger brother shouting and calling for help
He carried a cable and strangled me!!
my life flashed before my eyes
i can recall bits and pieces
people now rushed and where holding him
he kept saying leave me i have to kill her!!!
inalillahi wa innailahi rajiun
this is my cousin,
same blood.
Later on they rushed me to the hospital.
I had fractured ribs, he has hit my head so hard i had terriblr headache for days
walahi anty layla i have never experienced this in my life.

iIam trying to wrap my head around this Hamida.
kin mishi lefi ne!
"No walahi".
Does he have mental issues
"not that we know of gaskiya, we had to call the police and later take him to court.
"where is his mom" i asked "what did she say".
Do you know for weeks that i was in the hospital, she and her family never visited me,
when we took the case to court, she now got an amazing lawyer that would defend her son!!!
can you imagine!!!
yanzu the case has been adjourned to  5 of this month.

I can't begin to tell you how depressed i am anty layla. i can"T leave my room, any one that comes near me, i feel would hit me,
i am having seroius panic attacks.
 Please i need prayers.

i cant wrap my head around this.
Hamida may ALLAH see you thru this.

we would follow the story har karshe Insha ALLAH
#say no to domestic violence!
and we hope she gets justice!


  1. Boko Haramic behaviour being displayed here.Same lunatics slaugtering Christians anyhow without provocation.

    1. The lady in question, is she a Christian? Think before you comment

    2. @ anonymous,you should also reason and comprehend before replying to a comment.Did I say she was a Christian?Park well abeg.

  2. Could it be that he had feelings for her and he was jealous?

  3. Blv me,i find it difficult to comprehend or interprete such a behaviour.but i strongly think is beyond the surface. There must be a hidden family rivalry btw d two families,even going by d behaviour of d boys mother u can tell there is something fishy... Allah shi kyauta

  4. Same with me here

  5. This is a clear case of envy/jealousy...hes probably in love with her, and he feels the best way for him not to lose her is for both of them not to have her. Allah saka miki. And even if they have a badass lawyer who will help them win the case, akwai duniya ai. Before he dies God will make him reap wht he has sown. May Allah continue to be with you 'Yar uwa. I really feel your pain. Allah ba ki lafiya

    1. In as much as I hate and condemn the cousin's (guy) attitude, I believe she gave room for that. At some point its a sign of jealousy and immaturity displayed by the guy. I really felt sorry for the lady, it broke my heart wallahy. My advice to all ladies, stop giving guys wrong impression, if you don't like him, let him know from the onset. Thank you

  6. I cry reading this terrible no good bad story in God's name people like this still exist in the world? I wish you all know how much hamida loved and take care of this forsaking family God is her witness and I too this is the second attack from them
    1st is the mother which she didn't succeed in her plans and now her son to finish what she has started. God will not let them go astray even bfr the judgment day they will rip what they sew and for those thinking and saying Hamida got what she deserve cox of her nature may Allah SWA make you experience worst than this.
    Even my enemy I never pray to go through this.
    Say no to violence
    Say no to child abuse
    I stand with girls
    Justice most be served

    1. You are contradicting yourself, you said may Allah double the experience for those saying she got what she deserves and you are also saying that you don't wish for such kind of thing to happen to even your enemy... I am not understanding

    2. Malam Ameen i dont understand what u meant by she gave room for that. No matter what she did she does not deserve this. I pray justice be served.

  7. I beseech on the groom-to-be to take the matter up to its logical conclusion. Kar yarda ace masa its a family affair n can be resolved amicably, No! Reaching that stage means she's already belongs to him and that automatically made him part of d family. Wallahi thumma billahi should this thing happened to any of my relations or wife, I will stop at nothing but killing the guy. YES! I will kill d son of a notch because his intentions was to kill her.

  8. Innalillahi wa inna illaihir rajuun this wildly behavior is all as a result of envy. Wallahy justice most be done, I repeat justice most be done. Cc @amnesty international ur intervention is needed

  9. Have meet hamida several times even if we ain't frnds I know for sure she's a nyc girl n she didn't deserve it.. I wish you quick recovery Kuma aure sai dai Kar ayi Yana duniya.. Allah ya saka miki
    Say No to violence

  10. Ya Salam! The guy isn't well gaskia, justice need to be done. Allah ya kiyaye gaba.

  11. May allah(swt) continue and continue destroying his life to the extent that he will never understand what is good on his life. AMIN!!!!

  12. Allahumma ajirni fi musibati wa akhlifni khairan minha. Wlh God will not let him go scott free. #i stand for justice! Allah ya baki lafiya my sister. #Arc.Aliyu

  13. This is so sad.. I knew hamida in school and she is really a nice girl. I pray she gets her justice... May Allah help you overcome this fear.. Amin

  14. The guy will not succeed Inshaa Allah! He wants to destroy her life! Tsabar Hassada ne Wannan! And if am the groom I'll still marry her same day it was fixed!

  15. The guy will not succeed Inshaa Allah! He wants to destroy her life! Tsabar Hassada ne Wannan! And if am the groom I'll still marry her same day it was fixed!

  16. I think his problem is jealousy. It is possible the family members have wanted to join them in marriage but she declined and chose to marry whom she loves. This i am sure is the reason behind this. His types are supposed to be in Psychiatric Hospital

  17. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. May Allah protect us all from the evil among both men and jinn. I think we need to be more careful with accessibility to our homes, a non mahrem has no business roaming all around the house. Yakamata iyakansu parlor.

  18. Gsky baiyi ba idan ma sonta yake ae ba haka ake neman soyayya ba wurin budurwa kuma ba a so dole.


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