Today we are shinning a light on this beautiful EYE CANDY!!!
Meet Saleem,design student, artist and entrepreneur.  His stage name is 'Acre Woods'.
i got an email and i took time to listen to his music!!!

" Family values are very important to me and growing up seeing abject poverty around me created a need in me to contribute to society.  I recently decided to use my talent to promote the advancement of society's disenfranchised while i also felt a need to celebrate the diverse cultures of the North.
  Hence this music video which shines a light on those who are sometimes forgotten or ignored. The message of the song is to give hope to kids and the  underprivileged ,to let them know they are not forgotten.IIt is also a message to the youth and adults who are more privileged to work hard, stay upright and remember to give them support.
 These kids are our future; they are Nigeria.'
More pictures and music video after the cut

Litsen to Saleem's song


Now watch the video!!!

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