i am not a fan of bobrisky in fact  i despise him! But i am addicted to his snaps some how!!1 ina kallo ina A'uzubillah!!!!!
but my dear there is so much we can learn from him.

He takes care of his body its not even a joke!!! You know yadda Bae din nashi dai yake rawar jiki shine gida shine mota.
Then dan iska ne na kin karawa dan wata rawar da zeyi ma ni da nake mace ba zan iya juya kwankwaso na haka ba (i am taking twerking lessons)LOL
then lastly some times not always his snaps are informative.
just like this snap from yesterday

this He/she knows what up.

when i saw the post i smiled coz he is dead on.
La vie est belle is made by Lancome and it means "life is beautiful"in french. this perfume is just pretty, kwalabar has dan organza sash a jikin wuyan and it makes me feel sensual. its the Gengen gengen perfume. you know there are days that you are unsure of your self ko toh walahi kanshin turaren nan would give you 100% confidence.  i am on my 5th bottle
it has a citrusy note can kuma se wani nutsatsen kanshi ya biyo bayan shi. toh kinji

 and to cap my love for this perfume kalli who the poster girl is!!!!!! JULIA ROBERTS!!!

 it comes in small ,medium and large ko da karamin ne ki daure ki siya ko ku hada kudi ke da kawar ki ku siya ku samu sirinji ku raba dede LOOOL ko kuma ma i am sure za a samu irin masu siyar da madarar turare (concetrated oils) just ask them for La vie est belle (just found some one on istagram that is selling oil din 08162077188 @pamela_arcadia on istagram)

as you can see na gama da daya na bude wani!!!

Thank me later.

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