Envy and jealousy (hassada) eats up your future literary!!! it eats up you good deeds and keeps you unhappy always. every time you see or hear about some one you are envious of se haushi!!!
its very un healthy!!!
Personally i hate the after taste envy leaves in my mouth all the time!!! i always don't allow my self to cross to jealousy but trust the devil ya dinga ingiza ka!!!
we all want good lives, handsome and romantic boyfriends, beautiful houses, amazing kids, the list is endless!!1 but you know se not all fingers are equal!!!
and social media is not helping matters!!!
kun gama fada da mijin ki kina hawa istagram zaki ga wata da mijin ta suna cikin ukubar soyayya!! my dear you cant help your self!!!
ko kinyi kinyi a canza miki furniture na parlor me gida ya ki kawai kina hawa social media wata ta fara video din parlon ta that she just renovated with Italian leather seats and crazy wall art!!!
or your car has been giving you issues like crazy you even had to take a taxi home from office, then your friend comes to your house with the latest Mercedes that her father or husband bought for her!!1 my dear body no be wood, trust me envy and jealousy would start building!!!
But what we don't know is envy and jealousy kills us/ destroys our happiness!!!
I spoke to my father one time when i was faced with an envious situation and he said
"each and every one is created with an atom of envy in his heart!!! now its left for you to fuel and make it grow in your heart or fight it and kill it all together"
i found these videos even tho one has a hint of Buddhism in it!!! please just listen and pick what would help you . it has really help me!!!!
Let me hear your stories email me firdausishams@gmail.com
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