Phew!! Finally
wow we are really overwelmed!
its started  like a joke!!
We knew we would go into content production, what and when was a bit sketchy!
I remember the very first meeting we had to discuss the idea!
muka zauna har aka gama we couldnt agree on a name!!!
every one on the team had a name in mind!
ak ringa ja in ja!

some one from no where said "what of ZEE and ALI show!

wane irin zee and Ali
so kike yan arewa su yi mana dariya!
Abeg abeg park well!
thats how we shot this humble human!!!
2 days later, we met again
and har wa yau we didnt have a name! zee now said ke it isnt a bad idea fa but it should be called ZEENALI instead of zee and ali!
Now when the boss talks, you just say toh!!!! and honestly we were tired of cracking our brains!!!

So yes what is zeenali show!
Its an unconventional talk show hosted by Zainab T and Ali Amin of coz discussing every thing Arewa!! (northern lifestyle)
Let me not bore you with too much surutu, sit back, relax and watch the very first #zeenali show!


  1. Impressive! Zee for President! we finally get to see some of the faces behind NH!


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