Assalamu Alaikum, please muslim umma should buckle up and seek knowledge, stop excusing men's indiscretions and blaming the women. The low-key hush hush no1 growing business among women is the sales of dildos and sex toys, less than 40% of men satisfy their women so they resort to doing it themselves, the next time you think your wife is giving you attitude be sure you satisfy her in bed, she might be sexually frustrated, maybe ta rainaka saboda kullum baka kai labari, or maybe tana gaya maka magana saboda zaka dawo gida kana tsami da karin rana sai ta rinka daga hanci, or baki na wari kaman bera ya mutu and you expect her to want to be intimate. Are you a miser? gifts no matter how little increases affection, are you inconsiderate? How are your toilet manners?
Do you pee all over the toilet seat, or you don't flush don't forget she cleans it dole ta rinka jin haushinka, please from time to time take the kids let her have some quiet time,please its not only women that should dress sexy, some men stay home in boxers and singlets, sai in za'a fita a bade jiki da turare a sa kaya mai kyau as if we don't have eyes,the boxers self kila ansa throughout the week.wani kuma makaryaci ne ko shaidan sai ya sara mishi,wani kuma kaman kare he chases anything in skirt. Some of you let your friends control you and we notice it diminishes your standing with us. Some smoke and do drugs.The last and most important is a lot of maza basu sallah, ko suna wasa da sallah da addini, don't forget shi wanda ya halicceka kana kasanshi bakayi mai biyyaya ba sai yasa wa'yanda suke kasanka suma sukiyi maka biyyayyan,Allah yace matanku gonakinku, how do you expect the gona to flourish when you don't take care of it? 
Good one fatima thank you for contributing.
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1 comment

  1. The stories are nice and educative...����


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