Hello there how are you. i have a major dilemma
i had wani amazing boyfriend from a few years back, na so shi (i loved him) between me and GOD.
we finished uni and our relationship became long distance, to cut the long story dai we broke up.
i cried my eyes out! it took me months to get over him.
every one i met wasn't good enough!
after a few years i met Abubakar and kamar habo he asked for my hand in marriage
i love him but he doesn't take my breath away!
we got married 2015 and we are happy. ALHAMDULLILLAH

I have been looking for a job for GOD knows how long. Da kyar my father inlaw got me a job.
i started a few months ago.
last week, i was walking a corridor din accounting department, se na ji familiar voice,
my inquisitiveness se na leka, wa zan gani!
i froze! tsohon saurayi na.
yana gani na he jumped up and called me with the nick name he calls me "my sweet"
i said no "nabila dai"
my hands trembling i asked "you work here"
yes i do he said.
a wane department kike? he asked
ina legal, i couldn't look at him.
toh sannu se anjima
he quickly followed me and said dama zan kara gannin ki?
walahi for a second i forgot i was married
na ce ka manta dani haba habib ko waya ?
walahi i lost your contact.
ban numbar ki
i gave him until the last 2 digits  walahi se na tuna!!
Habib i am married.
i could see the smile leave his face!
wow congratulation he stammered, who is the lucky man.
His name is Abubakar.
toh happy married life.
thank you i said
see you around
toh se anjima
i rushed into the bath room and i cried
What kind of temptation is this!!!
wasu irin emotions just filled my brain.
i couldn't think well.

I went home that day and i couldn't sleep.
that day i dreamt of Habib.

Yanzu ALLAH ALLAH nake na je office coz i want to see habib.
we even had a long conversation during lunch yesterday nothing much just remebered the good old days!

i need help
i know its haram.
should i just quit my job?
I just don't know!
I love Abubakar he is kind
but Habib is another story.

Photo credit



  1. Stay away from Habib, lose all form of contact with him, no matter how hard it'll be. And yes if that means find a new job. Then try and concentrate on your relationship with your husband. Don't try to compare him with Habib as that would be unfair. You might love him more than you think you can.

  2. LEAVE habib ask for a transfer or look for another job!

  3. Put Yourself in Your Husband's shoes, How would it make you feel if your husband is hanging out with his ex? All am saying is stay away from him sister.

  4. You just need to open this link. Similar case. Beautiful fatwa


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