I lay knees apart, back flat on the not so comfortable bed. The pain came and went in the early stage of labour. first it was a jabbing feeling, like the sudden strike of a migraine. Then away it went.

The contractions lasted 6 hours; and through it all i jisted with my sister on the foot of the bed and my husband whose hands had become the stress relief.
Im sure it would have been sour from the the squeezing it received.
Then came stage two; the conversations sounded distant, the pain lasted longer and by now i had started begging for reprieve.
"Take it out" i shouted at one point.
"Sell off my gold, pay for ceaserian"
"I cant take it anymore"
"You are close, 8 centimetres dilated, it will soon be over," said the doctor calmly.

Then stage 3 came.

It is said that there are two days in a woman's life she would never forget; her wedding day and the delivery of her first child. The first will be remembered for its fanfare and euphoric grandeur while the later, well, for the experience of a pain much anticipated from childhood.
I was told that labour pain can be forgotten.
"Ahh, dont fret, the moment that baby pops out it would be like it never happened"
So naturally i anticipated. Oh yes i anticipated the hours of excruciating pain,  practiced in my head how i would scream and writhe around in angony, how by god my husband must witness it all, how no matter what i would stay strong. Yes i anticipated it all.

 There was however just one thing i never anticipated.

16 hours in, it was time to push, and push and push i did.
"Push dear, push like you are done, push like this baby must get out now," encouraged my doctor.
So i did, told myself this was it. This human better get out NOW!
"I feel like pooing" i exclaimed breathlessly, drained and tired.
"Thats a good sign, i can see the head explained the doctor"
That gave me courage, 'the head is visible, she is coming'
With a renewed sense of strenght and determination to see my child, i pushed HARD!
I felt it come out, followed by a slight gush. I relaxed. She is here.
"One more time dear, just one more," said the doctor.
"ONE MORE! But I felt her come out, something came out. Why isnt she crying, where is my baby?"
"Just one more, you are there, last time" said the doctor again, a bit more stern this time.

"I want to see my baby!" I demanded.

My sister was farther away from the bed. Comfused and perhaps traumatised. Hubby held my hand fermly.

"Dear, that wasn't our girl, you pooped and peed, now poo out that child and tell her how much she embarrassed you, everyday of her life." He said with a smirk on his face. Oh my word i knew i would never hear the end of this.

There are some memories that fade, this one is the one i wll have to live with for the rest of my life.
The birthday of my first child was my most embarrassing day of my life. I love her to bits, even though i pooped her out.

Some women will poop, pee and even fart during labour. Its natural, The very same muscles that you engage when you're having a bowel movement are the same ones you use when you're pushing, and now you have extra pressure on your rectum and colon. So its only natural that you may release some faeces along with your baby.

Dont let it bother you. You are the herbringer of life!

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