I’ve  had a lot of embarrassing days, but am pretty sure this particular day out beats the rest. I still cringe every time I think about it. But before I begin, let me share with you how that unfortunate day started.
It was a rainy day in the middle of august; I was getting ready of school, dreading the fact that I had school on a Saturday. As I was about to leave the door I felt my stomach turn, naturally my assumption was hunger. Being my stubborn self I decided to ignore it, making a mental note to eat before class begins. Unfortunately, I was running late for my first period with a very uncomfortable knot in my stomach.

 In the middle of the first period my stomach started making loud noises, so loud that the girl next to  me was looking at me with a weird expression on her face, quickly I  decided to go to the bathroom, all of  sudden I heard ‘pop quiz’. Oh dear lord! As I was taking the pop quiz, sweat was dripping down my face; this has officially become an emergency! I wrote as fast as I could, gave my teacher the paper I literally started sprinting to the toilet.
There was no bathroom in my department so I had to go to another department to use the clean toilet and I didn’t want anyone to know what I was going to do, given the fact that I was embarrassed. I   ran all the way to the other build; as soon as I reached the entrance I heard a loud noise and a sudden sense of relief. Oh my god! I have just pooped my pants, I stood their utterly humiliated. Luckily, it was a Saturday so very few people where in school. I did the only logically thing a person could do, I called my best friend to come pick me up. She was at work, so I had to wait for an hour with poop in my pants.
When she came she was already prepared, the sits were already covered with newspaper. Even though she was the only person that knew about it, till this very day, I am still embarrassed.

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