I'll always remember this day like it was yesterday. I was all dressed in my beautiful designer dress. Everyone was waiting on me. It was my big day. The day I'd dreamed of all my life. After all the "ba chin rai" and misunderstandings I was going to be one with my true love. 
"Ranan ya iso".
The service and everything passed by in a blur, filled with excitement and joy and mixed emotions but it was finally done with. I was finally "Mrs ...." 
We left the reception and got to the hotel, but alas there was a mix up with our room and booking. Hubby and his peeps worked on straightening it out. I on the other hand was given my brother in law's friends (abokin yayan miji na) room to wait in while everything was sorted out. Most of the visiting guest from hubby's side where in this hotel but most had left. Unfortunately I was on my monthly cycle on my wedding day, even though it wasn't supposed to show up then according to my calendar. The gynecologist told me it was due to stress that's why it switched. 
This made going through the day and activities very uncomfortable and distressing and that was the only room I could wait in.
However they all left so I could have privacy. I showered, changed and fell asleep without realizing what happened.  
“Na shara barchi”.
 A couple hours later hubby woke me up only for me to realize I had stained hubby's white shirt which he had borrowed me because my box was still on transit.
Worst of all I had stained the bed. 
I was mortified! 
"Amarya ta yi abun Kun ya"
 I broke down and burst into tears. I couldn't help myself, I was very very embarrassed.
Hubby started to laugh in order to cheer me up and so that I would stop crying.
At the end when I calmed down we cleaned up the bed together, removed the sheets and had to explain to the owner of the room why room service had to be called for new beddings. 
After we got to our room hubby kept trying to console me but "a ina, ban iya manta wa ba" 
I was horrified at what happened.
And that's how I spent my wedding night in embarrassment. 
In retrospect I can laugh, but not then. Then I didn't think it was funny "sam  sam". 
I have not shared the story with anyone else till now.

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