It was a beautiful summer weekend, and in Nigeria weekends are mostly for weddings and parties, it is a tradition that one must attend either of the two , if it happens to fall within your circle. a very dear friend of mine was getting married on this very summer weekend, as a bridesmaid it was my duty to slay, it was a success. successful because i happen to get a glimpse of one of the groomsmen and so the journey begins.
                               After the wedding and bidding farewell to the newlyweds, the groomsmen offered to take some of the bridesmaid back to their various destinations, which was another state entirely, it would take about 5 hours to get to my destination, as faith will have it, i was paired with the same groomsman of the previous night, his name was mr x. we set out on this journey in a sienna, a friend of mine was sitting at the back with one of the groomsmen, i was sitting in the middle with two guys, and one of them was my new found crush, while my other friend was sitting in front with the other guy, who was driving, it was a share and equal
proportion. we laughed and joked a lot, and then the chemistry was strongly brewing, on our way i saw a farm and i asked to get some of their products, mind you i am lactose intolerant but i still went ahead to satisfy my craving, mr x been a gentleman paid for all of us, I had a feeling he was a keeper, because he was slowly showing all the attributes, from our conversations, paying the bill for all of us and how he carried himself with class.
                             About a hundred kilometers into the journey, i had a rumble in my tummy, i did not panic at first, i thought it was just a sign of indigestion, but slowly i started sweating, i covered my face with a veil, remember i was sitting between two guys and i was gradually developing a strong feeling for one, why on earth will something like this happen to me on this journey, i kept pondering. for a minute i blacked out, and mr x asked if everything was fine, i just said i was having a fever because the sweat won't stop, i saw a mosque nearby and i asked the person driving to stop, with the excuse that i was about to go and pee lol, we all know it was the opposite, on getting their i couldn't use the toilet because it was too messy, i decided to take flagyl, thinking it would be my saving grace, i came back to the car and i acted normal.
                         At a point i was using my legs as brake, yes brake, you know how when you are driving a car and the only thing that slows you down and stops you from hitting something is the brake right, that was how my legs were saving me from embarrassing my entire being. i was sweating continuously, mr x was a little bit confused, he was trying to put one and two together, to figure out exactly what was wrong with me, so i get a hold of my phone, my screen was blurry but i figured a way out to send a text to my friend who was sitting directly behind me, i told her to tell them she was pressed so i won't make my situation obvious, she complied, but the problem was that all the places we stopped were not secured and the guys insisted on a secured environment but i couldn't hold it, it was getting dark and we saw a filling station, i told them to stop, i said my friend would manage the place and i would be her guide, funny how she is the one that is pressed but i jumped out of the car as fast as possible, went straight behind the filling station and did my business, at last i could breath well, i sensed freedom for i thought i was in bondage, my friend laughed hysterically because it was the first time she has seen me like that without an ounce of shame.
                       I came back to the car looking refreshed and happy, it was at that point that Mr X figured everything, he looked at me and whispered, it's okay, we are all humans, i couldn't deny it, all i wanted was for the ground to open so i get swallowed. i have never been embarrassed in my entire life the way i did on that glorious summer weekend.................

1 comment

  1. Omg this got me laughing. Mehnnn! Am in love wid these stories


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