I always had a crush on my Friend's brother, but he never acknowledged me; or so I thought.  So you can imagine my excitement when he suddenly called and ask me out on a date. Had his sister mentioned my feelings to him? I decided to let it go and enjoy my date; life is too short to worry much.
I knew his preference for short dresses and high heels on the female gender as opposed to trousers. He always thought girls who wore gowns and heels looked beautifully gorgeous. I did not take a glimpse at the contents of his diary. I did not stalk him either.
I had been busy all week, work was hectic and my boss was annoyingly demanding the whole time. I couldn't make my hair on that note so I had to make do with the Brazilian hair wig I had stashed away for desperate times.

Necessity they say is the mother of all inventions after all.
I went about my daily routine and patiently sat while my roommate dolled me up. She applied my make up, "enough to look attractive but simple", her words not mine.
I didn't do too well with high heels from past experiences, but I was trying to impress someone. I had to look totally flawless he would have love it.
I wore my nude coloured gown which was fitting at the top and flared from the waist to mid thigh. I brought out the heels I had only worn out once to a conference and struggled to wear it but my roommate interjected quickly saying it looked too formal on that gown and unfit for the date. She brought hers and said it'll look better and made me wear them instead.
I wore it with a frown, it was a Jimmy Choo stilleto peep toe high heels; I wobbled on it first then confidently strutted around the room and ended it with a model pose, making my roommate jump and laugh while clapping her hands happily at the same time.
I took a seat as my roommate straightened the wig and placed it on my head. I was still carrying the two cornrows she had roughly braided earlier that week ; She then brushed the wig, and styled it a bit.
I looked really beautiful and double checked everything I needed when my phone chimed; it was aotifying a message, I opened the message and read aloud, "I'm at your gate".  Wasting no time, I replied "I'll be there shortly".
I perfumed myself with spritz of Toothy Musk, bade my roommate goodbye and walked out of the room. He sat on the hood of his car tapping on his phone and he looked so handsome that I immediately began to feel outdone. He looked with his eyes trailing from my feet to my face and said "Wow, you look beautiful!". Like the coy mistress, I said my thanks but was flipping backwards and summersaulting in my head. What great joy, my make up paid off!  He opened the door to the passenger seat in front and after I had stepped into the car, he shut the door like a real gentleman, occupied the driver's seat and drove off.
Few minutes later, we settled for a small but cozy restaurant downtown; the meal was delicious and so was our conversation. "I really enjoyed myself today Aisha, I hope we do this again" he said to me smiling softly. "I hope so too" I replied, smiling back at him. We sat in comfortable silence on the drive back then suddenly cleared his voice and asked if I could help him pick a gift for his cousin at the mall since I'd know her preference better. The rational part of my mind was screaming at me to tell him I really needed to return home, my legs were already sleeping in those death traps called heels but my aim to please him overshadowed any rational thought so I quickly agreed to go with him.
We arrived at the Mall and were waiting for the elevator when Emmy told me he had to get his wallet from the car, he apparently forgot to bring it with him.  I waited patiently while looking around the shops when a dress caught my attention. It was a long Maxi dress displayed on the mannequin outside; it was breathtaking and in a haste to get to the dress, I didn't see the glass wall and gbam! I fell down on my buttocks. Anybody else would not have noticed the glass, whoever cleaned the glass should be promoted to a "Window cleaner" at the Presidential Villa. The glass was seamless, had no scratch or stains and was very transparent.  Looking around for any eye witness, I only saw a few with amused smiles on their faces. I quickly scurried to stand on my feet but even that was a challenge because of these cursed heels I had on. I finally got on my feet and moved away from there to the front of the elevator when I saw Emmy approaching me. I sighed in relief, dress totally forgotten.
He suggested we look around the ground floor and while searching for a store that sold jewelry, we came across a store that sold standing fans, cieling fans, Air conditioners and other electronic appliances.Two fans were in motion and when I made to pass in front of them, the flared part of my gown blew all the way up exposing my lady parts that was clad in  panties that had a drawing of "Avatar" at the bottocks.
I revolved in a clockwise direction, trying to gather my gown back only to miss my steps. I wobbled on my shoes before falling down in a heap on the ground like a sack of potatoes When I tried to play off my unsteadiness. Keeping my head down, I watched through my peripheral  view and saw people putting up their phones and trying to capture me on camera; some were even video recording the whole event like some movie. It was horrific!
I was overwhelmed with embarrassment by then and failed to remember that my extensions were not braided in. It being a cap of sorts with very beautiful hair on it. I tried to gather my hair from the back to shield my face from people's cameras only to realize that I was holding what seemed to be the Wig in my hand, (seem being the key word there because my mind was in denial). My hair was rough and I knew, I knew that if my hair was compared with that of a "Mahaukaciya (mad woman) on a Market day",it would take the grace of God to win such comparison in its tidiness.
Without waiting for Emmy whose amusement could clearly be seen in his eyes, but tried his hardest not to be among the many who laughed at me,I hightailed out of the mall, like the hounds of hell were on my heel and no, not those heels for those borrowed stilletos were  secured tightly in my hand while I ran barefeet.
Anyone who saw me would think I had gone mad,I'm sure I looked like a mad woman chasing nothing but after suffering such embarrassment today, I doubted my ability to feel ashamed anymore.(sure there was a limit, even when it came to me, about embarrassing myself. )
Holding on to that thought, I found myself blindly pushing aside a man who was about to enter a taxi he had hailed,falling facefirst on the leather seat and barely able to jam the door without jamming my leg with it, drive! drive! drive! I exclaimed to the taxi man, mentally thanking heavens for being kind to me realizing I was alone in the  taxi. I couldn't endure being another person's highlight of the day.
The first time my crush of many years asked me out, these events occurred.
Can you see why it is the most embarrassing Day of My life? I can't even look at that mall the same way again because a new wave of embarrassment hit me whenever I do.
My last thought that day before the taxi zoomed off was to avoid Emmy like a plague.

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